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How Can I Collect My ATM Debit Card?

Many people especially people living in the rural areas don't know or have very a little knowledge about how to request for Automated Teller Machine Debit Card popularly known as ATM card. This in turn limits the ways by which they transact with their bank. In light of this, this post is written to educate people  regarding the way by which people can request ATM card from their respective banks.


Debit Card is not a card you can get anywhere as it is issued by the financial institutions alone. An institution such as bank is the sole issuer of ATM card in Nigeria.


That sounds strange to you, doesn't it?

Well,  that is the fact.

What is an ATM debit card?

An ATM debit card also called ATM card is a pin based card issued by a financial institution such as bank to its account  holders so as to perform various transactions with the bank through Automated Teller Machine (ATM).


We have different kinds of ATM debit cards namely Verve, Naira Master Card, and Visa Gold. Some Automated Teller Machines allow you to use your credit card to perform transaction while some are designed to accept just debit cards. I have written an article on the different types of ATM cards as well as the difference between Debit Card and Credit Card in our recent posts.

Some believe you can use ATM debit card to perform withdrawal transaction alone while others believe there's more to just withdrawal.

-ATM card/Debit card can be used for various transactions apart from withdrawal.


-You can also use it to make payment of bills. When you buy some stuffs online or at the shopping mall, you can use your ATM card to make payment for such goods.

-You can use it to check your account balance. In a situation where the network on your phone is bad, you can just go to the ATM centre to check your account balance by inserting your card and do the needful.

-You have been trying to transfer funds through your mobile banking and the internet banking but, they both are not responding. You can just stroll to where the Automated Teller Machine (ATM) is situated and perform your transaction.Transferring funds from one bank to another is now convenient through ATM regardless of the type of bank you are using.


-It can as well be used to buy recharge cards.

Those are some of the uses of ATM card. 

Despite all its uses and benefits associated with it, some people still find it uninteresting to collect, maybe it is because they believe its procedures are hard, they believe it requires a long process to complete or they feel scared due to the risks associated with its use but, let me give you this good news that the requirements for its collection is as simple as ABC, and of course, you don't need to be afraid to use it provided you follow all the guidelines that can prevent you from being exposed to such risks.

How to Collect My ATM Debit Card?


 The collection process is very simple but can look stressful to you if you don't have an informed knowledge about it.



The guidelines are almost the same with all banks in the country.


  • The first major step to take is to have an account with any bank. You need to have an account with any bank before you can obtain an ATM Card because opening an account with a bank automatically makes you a customer of the bank.


  • Request for ATM form from the bank customer care office. After having opened an account with the bank, you will obtain ATM form where you'll be asked to fill all the necessary details


  •  Fill the form you obtained with your original details and make sure your details are true to your knowledge cos failure to do so will render the particular account useless or you may later need a court affidavit for any issue .


  • After having filled the form, you will submit it to the bank customer care officer. The customer care officer will now verify all your details and process your request if he is satisfied with your details or ask you to review your details if otherwise.


  •  After having processed the ATM card for you, you'll be asked to input the pin you want to start using which must be a 4 digit PIN.


  •  After that, you'll be asked to provide the number you're using to get token on which OTP is going to be sent in order to validate your ATM card.


  • After the validation process, you will be instructed to go to the Automated Teller Machine to activate your ATM Card. You may need the help of the bank security officer if you feel you can't get the process done yourself but it is advisable to do it yourself because practice they say makes perfect.

You have decided to do it yourself right?

OK now.. follow these process..


  • Insert your new debit card in the Automated Teller Machine ATM
  • Input your new 4 digit pin and click on proceed
  • After that, you will get a token/OTP on your phone, input the token and click on proceed.
  • You will get a message which reads ''your card is successfully activated''

You are good to go, your card is activated, remove your card and start using it for any transaction.

It is a simple process.. isn't it?

What are you still waiting for? Go get yours without hesitation. 

What was your own experience when you went to the bank to get yours? Tell us how you got yours, it may be more simpler than mine.

Your comments are highly appreciated!


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